Troškovi dostave robe unutar Hrvatske
Dostava se vrši kurirskom službom i to isključivo radnim danom.
Naručene artikle za Hrvatsku kurirska služba dostavlja u roku od 3 do 5 radnih dana. Tijekom akcija mogući su duži rokovi isporuke.
Prilikom kupovine molimo vas da ostavite broj svojeg telefona na koji Vas kurir može dobiti i dogovoriti isporuku u slučaju da je adresa pogrešna.
Poštarinu plaća kupac u iznosu od 5,50 € kada je cijena proizvoda manja od 50 €, a ako iznos naručenih proizvoda prelazi ukupnu cijenu od 50 € dostava se ne naplaćuje. Znači, dostava za sve narudžbe slanja u Hrvatsku iznad 50 € je BESPLATNA.
Troškovi dostave robe u zemlje EU:
Dostavu vršimo kurirskom službom trenutno samo u Austriju, Češku, Francusku, Mađarsku, Njemačku, Poljsku, Rumunjsku, Slovačku i Sloveniju.
Poštarina koju plaća kupac za slanje u navedene zemlje EU u iznosu 9,90 € naplaćuje se kada je cijena proizvoda manja od 100 €, a ako iznos naručenih proizvoda prelazi cijenu od 100 € dostava se ne naplaćuje. Znači, dostava za sve narudžbe u navedene zemlje EU iznad 100 € je BESPLATNA
Za provjeru cijene dostave u ostale zemlje EU molim kontaktirajte nas na mail:
Kod dostave u zemlje izvan EU, mogući su troškovi carine, i drugih poreza na kupljenu robu, koje snosi sam kupac.
Svaki drugačiji način dostave robe koji nije osobno preuzimanje u nekoj od naših trgovina i koji je kao takav primaran način kupovine po uvjetima poslovanja, smatra se isključivo osobni odabir na zahtjev Kupca, pa se takav način dostave naplaćuje posebno te nije sastavni dio cijene proizvoda na web shopu, i kao takav isti ne podliježe niti povratu sredstava prilikom jednostranog raskida ugovora o kupovini.
Troškovi povrata robe
Svi troškovi povrata robe idu isključivo na teret kupca
Costs of delivery of goods within Croatia
Delivery is made by courier service only on working days.
The ordered items for Croatia are delivered by the courier service within 3 to 5 working days. During the promotion, longer delivery times are possible.
When shopping, please leave your phone number where you can reach your courier and arrange delivery in case the address is wrong.
The buyer pays postage in the amount of 5.50 € when the price of the product is less than 50 €, and if the amount of ordered products exceeds the total price of 50 € delivery is not charged. So, delivery for all shipping orders in Croatia over 50 € is FREE.
Costs of delivery of goods to EU countries:
We deliver by courier at the moment only in Austria, the Czech Republic, France, Hungary, Germany, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.
The postage paid by the customer for shipping to the specified EU countries in the amount of 9.90 € is charged when the price of the product is less than 100 €, and if the amount of ordered products exceeds the price of 100 €, delivery is not charged. So, delivery for all orders in the mentioned EU countries over 100 € is FREE
To check the price of delivery to other EU countries, please contact us at
In the case of delivery to countries outside the EU, customs duties and other taxes on the purchased goods may be incurred by the buyer.
Any other method of delivery of goods that is not personally picked up in one of our stores and which is considered as such a primary method of purchase under the terms of business, is considered exclusively a personal choice at the request of the Customer, so such a delivery method is charged separately and is not an integral part of the price of the product on the web. shop, and as such it is not subject to a refund in case of unilateral termination of the purchase contract.
Costs of returning goods
All costs of returning the goods are solely borne by the buyer